Recurring text messages
Making a client constantly link with your business can be challenging but rewarding. It is only possible when you keep them reminded of your product or about your business again and again. Imagine a situation when you are required to send repetitive text messages, to handle all the work manually could be the last thing that anyone has to do. With our recurring text messages service, you don't have to worry anymore. It is an automated solution that enables you to send repetitive text messages with just a few clicks. With recurring text messages, the text is automatically sent at a regular interval.
Easily send recurring text messages using Robotalker:
You can send recurring text messages to android and more devices easily by following just a few steps.
You can set a time for the text to send, and you can decide to make it repeat in the future.
You can set up a schedule to automatically send messages daily, weekly, monthly, or even annually.
As long as you have a subscription, your message will keep on sending automatically to all your clients according to your settled schedule.
You can edit your message whenever you want to, can add links, images, and whatever you want.
You can check the message history, view the message, and check your recurring text messages' status and recipient count.
You can send messages to different contacts individually or the entire group collectively.
You can even target specific contacts that fulfill your particular criteria to send recurring text messages.
Why use recurring text messages:
It could be unwanted stress on yourself to continuously remind yourself that you have to send a message at a specific time on a particular day.
So you can get rid of such stress using recurring text messages.
You can do all your future work related to reminding anyone about anything in a short span and can rest assured for the rest of the week, month, or even year.
You can set a message to be sent repetitively according to your client when he feels it is easy to receive your notifications.
You can make a constant image by continuously reminding them about your business, leading to more loyal customers.
Our recurring text messages can be used for:
As a reminder for meetings- set a messages schedule and leave it unless you want to cancel.
Texas COVID employees report: Ask your staff status of the one they work with.
Tracing COVID updates for positive reports in the company.
Wake up messages or calls- send recurring text messages to iPhone or multiple devices as usual and choose the days.
Late payment and rent reminders- send a courtesy text or make calls automatically.
Just pick the days or date: