A Smart dialer can save your staff time

We connect to you when people answer their phone

A Predictive Dialer is a mechanized phone dialing system that empowers call center specialists to drastically expand their number of live connections. Predictive Dialer interface specialists talk with people who are connected, as to not waste time on wrong numbers or answering machines. Operators are free from the need to tune in to unanswered calls, busy signals, disconnected lines, replies from fax machines, voice mail and other programmed call blockers!

Predictive Dialer utilize numerical equations to foresee both the normal answer time it will accept for telephone calls to be addressed and operator accessibility. It modifies the dialing rate to keep agents busy by predicting when an operator will be available. Robotalker's great prescient dialer is so sophisticated it can decide whether an unanswered number should be attempted at a later time, or if a manual call by an operator should be considered as it is a more complicated situation.